Hair removal from the female genitals is a commonly accepted practice today, however it does leave this area more exposed, and any imperfections that previously may have gone unnoticed immediately become more apparent. Patient enquiries with regards to improving the appearance of this area are becoming ever more frequent.
The labiaplasty is undoubtedly among the most requested procedures and seeks to correct the size of enlarged inner vaginal lips as well as any associated asymmetries. However, the procedure is not always performed solely for aesthetic reasons. When the inner vaginal lips become larger than the outer ones, the cushioning effect of the outer lips is lost and discomfort can be experienced when wearing tight fitting clothes, during certain physical exercises or when having sexual relations.

Doctor Madriz and Doctor Peña
The laser labiaplasty provides an alternative to conventional treatment options. It is a low-risk procedure, performed on an outpatient basis, which does not leave any scarring, does not compromise any sensitivity, and based on our experience manages to obtain a high level of patient satisfaction.
Discomfort can be experienced when wearing tight fitting clothes, during certain physical exercises or when having sexual relations.
To achieve the best aesthetic and functional results possible, a detailed personal assessment is required to select the most appropriate technique suitable on a case-by-case basis.